woensdag 31 augustus 2022

Sunday 4 September - Gerard Scholten Tuinconcert ┆ a Vrooom Special


Sunday 4 September - Gerard Scholten Tuinconcert ┆ a Vrooom Special

During the covid-affected years Lukas Simonis initiated a garden concert series as open-air type of events obviously proved to be the pragmatic solution to the ban on indoor-shows.
This will be this year's only edition taking place at Gerard Scholtenstraat 92 in Rotterdam, featuring music from all over the world, including but not limited to: Brazilian Choro, Swedish Tango, Rock 'n' Roll, and “Dutch Mouses and Slovenian Rabbits”.

The performing musicians:

● Elisabeth Fadel
● Nina Hitz
● Tisa Neža Herlec
● Mia Andresen
● Lukas Simonis
● Floor Polder

Join us and listen to fine music, have a drink and say goodbye to the summer and hello to the next cultural season that -we hope- won't be interrupted with lockdowns and other bad stuff...

Entrance: free but a donation is encouraged
Please note: make a reservation!
FB eventpage

either send a mail to: klangendum[at]xs4all[dot]nl or PM the Vrooom page.

Thanks to: Popunie Rotterdam

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